John 2:1-12

Jesus and his disciples and his mom were at a wedding. His mom says to him "They have no more wine." And Jesus replies "Woman, why do you involve me? My hour has not yet come." And then she tells the servants, "Do whatever he tells you." And Jesus ends up saving the party by supplying more wine and making the hosts look really good. I find this conversation between Jesus and his mom fascinating. She calmly asks him to do something in a very subtle way - just stating the problem. But he gets it. He knows she wants him to do something. He acts annoyed. How strange! And she ends up changing his mind. Maybe he wasn't prepared to start his ministry of signs and miracles. But because he listened to his mom, he let her give him a little kickstart. Did God speak through Mary, maybe during a time when Jesus wasn't fully dialed in to his father? Like at the garden of Gesthemane, where he shows his dread of his death. There's a lot here! I want to sit ...