John 1:1-18 Receiving Jesus

 v12 "Yet to all who did receive him, to those who believed his name, he gave the right to become children of God"

The word receive kept popping up for me while we were studying this passage in church. He makes himself available and we just receive. I can share the love of Jesus with someone and maybe ... they will receive him. This is his will. His intention. This is the entire reason why he came. 

A part of me wants to embrace this with zeal and go out to find people to share Jesus's love with. And a part of me just wants to be a comfortable Christian, keeping to myself. 

The morning after house church, I shared with the Simple Churches prayer group that I have been wondering how to 'share' Jesus with my family members who seem so closed to him. From past teachings, I feel like I am supposed to just do it and remember that tomorrow may never come. I feel that is so icky. So desparate. Like a sales pitch. Or a project you need to complete. Something you can brag about at church.

But Ruth and Sig, in a very gentle way, told me ... that my 'fragrance' will make them wonder. They will be naturally drawn in to the Holy Spirit. They will notice that something is different about me. I love that! It's so much less controlling. It relies on God, instead of my persuasion skills. 

Lord, help me to carry the fragrance of Jesus. The one who is full of grace and truth. Help me to figure out which voices to listen to. Thank you for speaking through Ruth and Sig. What an unexpected blessing on a Monday morning! Help me to incline my heart and ears towards you today, Lord. Amen.


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