John 2:12-24 He knew all men

 After turning water into wine, John records Jesus' next big act as showing his anger at the temple. He overturned tables and said "Get these out of here! How dare you turn my Father's house into a market!"

This, I have read many times. But there is a part at the end of the section that I haven't seen before and i wonder if God is highlighting this to me. 

v23-25 "Now while he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many people saw the miraculous signs he was doing and believed in his name.  But Jesus would not entrust himself to them, for he knew all men. He did not need man's testimony about man, for he knew what was in a man."

Perhaps this marks the beginning of the tensions that will lead to Jesus's death. But also the same tensions we have today. The sin in men - misrepresenting and dishonoring God.  Maybe he knew that they were easily impressed by miracles, but that the wonder would fade and their faith was shallow. 

In the same way, he sees their immature and misdirected faith at the temple when they are making money from selling animals to sacrifice. He knows in the inner hearts of people and who will betray him.  On the flip side, he also knows who will love him.  He knows us intimitely! 

Here is John Piper's take:

What I will take away from this reading is that God knows us. And based on what he knows of us, he can trust us or not. But for those who truly have faith in his name. we can be his children. There is a difference between those who are amazed with him and those who truly believe in him for salvation. 

Another take away is that God understands how I am wired!! I don't need to feel like I am alone or that nobody understands me. And even better .... he can use ANYTHING for his glory. I don't need to be perfect to be used by him. The last couple days, I have been feeling very incompetant and low. But ... so what if I can't do all the things I'd like!? So what if I make mistakes? So what if my depressive episodes render me useless at times? God knows these things. He know exactly what I'm going through. And STILL, he can use my life for his glory.

That is a huge encouragement to me. It takes the load off. It allows me to breathe. I can stop judging and condemning myself. 

Thank you Lord, for this passage. Thank you for opening my eyes to how well you know me. And how imperfect I am allowed to be. Today, I am taking a deep breath. And I am choosing to rest in you. Amen.


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