One conversation for many generations
A funny thing. Our house church study on the Woman at the Well got postponed again, so I will need to prepare for it a third time next week. I'm thankful, though, because these verses continue to open my eyes to what God may be speaking to me about it.
While I was meditiating on it a few days ago, a new idea popped into my head. When we help someone see who God is, we're not just helping them. We are actually a part of releasing their entire Christian ministry! If Priscilla didn't make the bold move to tell me about Jesus, then my family life would look completely different - I probably wouldn't have this many kids if I was't a Christian. But you could also argue that if Priscilla didn't have the conversation with me, then maybe God would've sent someone else. Either way, whoever the bold person is, THEY get to participate in unlocking and releasing someone. They are potentially affecting generations to come.
When they asked me in the Zoe course if I had opportunities to be in the lives of non-Christians (or what they call the 'unchurched'), I admit that I was a bit bothered by the topic. It irritated me that they were talking about non-Christians as if they were a different breed of human who they had to study in order to convert.
The big idea of helping people get to know God is an amazing honour. But why does it sound so cheesey sometimes? I think it's when the 'winning of a soul' is more important than the 'dignity of the person'. It's like giving someone a new car. You can either think - YES, another person who loves the same car as us. OR you can think - this is going to be so awesome for this person because it helps so many areas of their life.
It's a fine line and I am very sensitive to it. Lord, help me not to be turned off by evangelism that sounds cheesey to me. Help me to remember that regardless of people's motives, they are trying to take part in a hugely important task. A task that is mandated by YOU! Lord, help me to see things continuously through your perspective. Let it be your love that flows through me towards others. Lord, take away any fears that may hinder me from accomplishing the mission you've sent me on. I love you, Lord. Thank you for speaking to me. I love to hear from you. Help me to obey you. I trust you!! In Jesus name, Amen.
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