John 6:35 Feast for eternity

 John 6:35 Then Jesus declared, “I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.

WHY DO I KEEP FORGETTING??!!! After my Rivendell Retreat on May 26th, I got so excited about what God had said to me that I forgot to abide in him. I just took what he gave me and I ran off to make it my own thing. I thought I was focussed, but I soon became confused and lost in all the competing priorities. I wanted to give up everything because of the overwhelm I was feeling.

Is that why I have been so depleted of optimism and energy since the retreat?  I thought for sure it was my thyroid, but Dr Watts AND Dr Carr both said it is fine. Dr Carr said it may be my body recovering from what I experienced at the retreat.

Whatever the case, I must come back to God and eat the bread that nourishes me.  I can't believe I
even forgot about this beautiful blog I set up. I feel like today is a spiritual reunion meal! I am hungrily munching down loads of delicious food and slurping down the most refreshing drinks!

Can I stay here? Can today be a day of celebration?!

Well, I don't always have control over the voices that emerge in my mind or the gloom that comes over me.  Jesus, what will I do if I can't find you later? What do I tell the voices?

Ok, I will hear their concerns and acknowledge their perspective. I will love them with your love. I won't try to control or cast out. I will be gentle. I will remind them that your ministry is love and truth. You are real and you are here to help.  

Thank you, Lord, for this day of feasting. I will enjoy as long as I can! 


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